I believe that the average citizen does not fully understand the US ideals. You really need to dig up history to fully understand the ideals of the US. When I say 'dig up', I mean that you need to research the history of America and how it came to be the way it is today. It is important that you know this stuff because if you don't know, you won't understand hardly anything about this country. Let's use Lewis and Clark as an example. They helped to spread many new things across the US, including the laws. They discovered many places and helped to shape the ground on which we stand. I think it's important to understand how crucial their journey really was. If you want to know more about them, go here ----------------------------------------------------------> http://www.lib.fit.edu/pubs/librarydisplays/lewis%20and%20clark%20display%20website.htm
Either way, it's important to know about such things because it's these certain events that shaped our country into the way it is today. So, in conclusion, I say that knowing the US's ideals is very important. Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time! (Pig Latin: Ritneybay andyay Iay areyay ackbay ogethertay againyay!)
Hey Josh! Great post. I was wondering if you could explain a little more about exactly what Lewis and Clark spread west? You say they spread the laws, but that's not quite true...can you cite some specific examples about how their trip affected US ideals?